Academic Achievements

On Sunday March 19, Delta Zeta hosted its annual academic banquet, but this year, it was more than just a normal academic banquet for the sorority. As sisters, they took time to celebrate being ranked second out of all of the Panhellenic sororities on campus for GPA. Delta Zeta are very proud of all of their sisters working hard to succeed and make the grades to show it!

To celebrate, their Academic Chair, Maria Robinson, held a dinner for all the Delta Zetas catered by Barberitos. There was also a bouncy house on the lawn to have fun and take a break from studying. It was a great time for all of the Delta Zeta sisters to spend time together and feel celebrated for their outstanding performance in the past year!

Maria reflected, “I am so incredibly proud of our chapter for being ranked second in the Panhellenic community. It's great to see every girl's hard work pay off, and even though I'm the Academic Chair, this is all because of them. I think this was really motivation for our chapter, and I can't wait to see our progress in the future.” Without the constant encouragement and support from Maria, Delta Zeta would not be the same. They are so fortunate to have a leader like her to help push Delta Zeta sorority to be its best! With sisters like Maria, Delta Zeta is able to push each other to reach our full potential, academically and personally.
