Sisterhood Sunday

On Sunday, April 23rd, Delta Gamma had their spring sisterhood retreat. There were three stations that each group rotated among. One of the stations had frames of each sister in the sorority and everyone went around and wrote sweet little messages on each one. The notes could be adjectives that describe that sister, an appreciation message, or just something that they wanted to tell that girl. This was a beautiful way to uplift each sister and make them aware of how appreciated and loved they are. The second station consisted of decorating cupcakes. Each girl got two cupcakes; one to keep and one to give away. The one that was given away was given to a sister that has made an impact in your life. The last station was one that gave us a chance to remember the four girls who passed away in the car accident last year. We gave each girl three ornaments to write notes on for the three sororities impacted by this tragedy: Alpha Chi Omega, Pi Beta Phi, and Delta Delta Delta. These were presented to each sorority at their last chapter just as a little gift to let them know that we are here for them and they are forever in our thoughts and prayers. Delta Gamma felt that it was important for the Panhellenic community to support these girls in times of sadness.

The event was a blast and truly great reminder of how much this sisterhood means to each of us. Delta Gamma's VP of Programming really took the circumstances provided and ran with it! She was very grateful for an opportunity to use her creativity and she loved planning this event. It was sweet way to end our semester as we go into finals!
