Exec Spotlight: Anna Britt

Let's catch up with the Panhellenic Council's Vice President of Standards, Anna Britt! If trying to locate Anna this summer, it is safe to say she was either in the water or on the pool deck. As the head coach for the Richland Waves Swim Team, Anna spent each day with over 130 children ages 5-18 years old. Through collaboration with her assistant and junior coaches, Anna ran practices, gave stroke instruction, seeded swim meets, and coached our county qualifying swimmers. Anna loved encouraging the swimmers and watching them grow individually and as a team throughout the season. In fact, Anna describes coaching as the highlight of her summer. "We had a rain delay at one of our swim meets, and instead of waiting out the storm in cars or the clubhouse, they played the cupid shuffle over the loud speakers and both teams danced in the rain. As a coach, there is nothing more exciting than seeing good sportsmanship and high morale. Children always have a way of making me smile through their hilarious stories and outgoing personalities," Anna regales. When not at the pool or with her swimmers, Anna many hours shadowing Occupational Therapists, as she hopes to pursue a career in the medical field.


After moving into the Holiday Inn, Anna is realizing that Panhellenic Recruitment is right around the corner. When thinking about her favorite part of Recruitment, Anna has a difficult time narrowing it down to one aspect. "I love seeing all of the friendships that are formed through sorority pledge classes, within Gamma Chi groups, and with PNMs," she says. However, Anna cannot wait to look out at the sea of women in white dresses, as they flip over their bid cards next Monday, August 14.


Before that amazing moment, the PNMs will experience the various rounds of Panhellenic Recruitment in just FOUR days. Anna offers unique advice for PNMs, as they embark on this journey. "Go into recruitment with an open mind. It is so easy to listen to what others say or to things you have heard, but every sorority is filled with amazing girls. Recruitment is exciting, but it can also be emotional. Remember that you are amazing just the way you are, and do not let this process define who you are," she emphasizes.


After taking off her red vest and moving out of the Holiday Inn, where can you find Anna? As a foodie, she will most likely be visiting her favorite restaurants or trying out any new eateries in the Athens area. Some of her go-to places are The Last Resort, Mama's Boy, Clarke's Standard, Utage, The Place and Five Bar.
