Exec Spotlight: Elizabeth Pittard

Meet Elizabeth Pittard; one of the faces that stays constant year after year in the Greek Life Office and throughout Panhellenic Recruitment! As Senior Coordinator for Greek Life & Advisor to Panhellenic Council, Pittard is involved in anything and everything surrounding Greek Life.

This summer, Pittard has been prepping for sorority recruitment, answering questions from incoming students, and enjoying spending time in Athens. In fact, her favorite spot in Athens is the patio at The Last Resort, especially while enjoying a huge slice of white chocolate cheesecake. Additionally, Pittard says "spending time with my 8-month old, Norah, and watching her explore her world #UGA2038," has been the highlight of her summer.

With Panhellenic Recruitment only ONE day away, Pittard says she is most excited to watch the PNMs visit each of the eighteen sororities on campus. She adds, "There is no feeling like stepping foot into your first sorority house on day one!"

As an expert surrounding Panhellenic Recruitment, Pittard's advice is certainly a piece to heed. "Keep an open mind. There are so many rumors and false stereotypes floating around, it can be hard to ignore them; but the whole purpose of recruitment is to decide where you feel comfortable and who has similar interests to yours. You don’t let other people pick your friends, so don’t let other people pick your sorority!"

