If I’m Paying For My Friends, I’m Not Paying Enough

Written by Hannah Boykin, a member of Gamma Phi Beta. Find the post originally on Hannah's personal blog.

There are a lot of stereotypes that come with being in a sorority. People think that you're paying for your friends, that it’s all about partying, and that it’s more about keeping up an image than anything else.

I would be lying if I said that my sorority didn't introduce me to the friends that I have today, but what Gamma Phi Beta has introduced me to is so much more than just some pretty friends, fun parties and a specific reputation. It has inspired me to be a better person, it has taught me what it means to be a true and constant friend, and it motivates me to give back to a community that has given so much to me.

I had a really difficult time participating in formal recruitment. There were times where I felt judged by girls for what I was wearing, where I went to high school and where I grew up. That sort of judgement wore me down, but each time that I returned to Gamma Phi Beta, I felt like I was being recognized for my personality rather than my lack of designer clothing and private school education. That’s where I made a true connection. There is a superficial exterior within the greek life community, but there is so much more below the surface.

I fell in love with Gamma Phi Beta because behind the coordinated outfits and catchy songs were a group of diverse women with a common goal: to inspire the highest type of womanhood.

If you are a girl that is on the fence about participating in recruitment at your school, I urge you to do it. While rushing is a tiring experience, it’s an experience that I wouldn’t trade for anything.

It brought me home to a group of women that are my confidants, my inspiration, my best friends, and now, my family. There is something so powerful about a group of women coming together for a unified cause.

I am passionate about Gamma Phi Beta's philanthropy, Girls on the Run, because as a young girl myself it taught me the value of perseverance. That’s when I knew I found where I belonged.

We are more than a group of women sporting our letters and a pair of Nike shorts on our way to classes, Gamma Phi Beta has given me the opportunity to support an organization that supported me at such a pivotal point in my life. I without a doubt know that some of these women will be bridesmaids in my wedding and my best friends for life. That right there is priceless. I can't explain how thankful I am as an only child to have found over 200 sisters that have truly changed my life for the better.

Go Greek and I promise you won't regret it.
