50 Things to Do While in Quarantine

Well, seeing how good ole COVID-19 has taken a bit of a toll on UGA events and things to do on campus, here are 50 things to do at home or outside!! (All with respect to social distancing ~of course~)

  1. Organize your room

  2. Take your dog for a walk

  3. If you don’t have a dog just take yourself!!

  4. Color a picture

  5. Learn to draw (look up videos!!)

  6. Go for a run

  7. Go for a run with your dog!

  8. Take a bubble bath

  9. Bake a cake

  10. Do a face mask

  11. Read a book (refer to book suggestions list!)

  12. Watch a new series

  13. Give your dog a bath

  14. If you’re somewhere warm and have a pool, swim laps

  15. Or don’t swim laps! Just float!

  16. Do free Amazon workout videos

  17. Paint something!

  18. Paint your nails

  19. Write a poem

  20. Take a nap

  21. Make a smoothie

  22. Play with makeup

  23. Try a new hairstyle

  24. Clean out your closet

  25. Online shop (support small businesses!!)

  26. Stretch

  27. Watch the sunrise

  28. Watch the sunset

  29. Look through old photos

  30. Clean out your camera roll

  31. Make new photo albums

  32. Lay outside

  33. Write a blog post

  34. Listen to a podcast

  35. Call your family

  36. Rearrange your room

  37. Sharpen up your high school foreign language skills

  38. Make a Pinterest board

  39. Have a photo shoot

  40. Update your resume- or make a resume!

  41. Do laundry

  42. Get ahead on homework/ classwork

  43. Watch a documentary

  44. Watch YouTube

  45. Make a bucket list

  46. Read a magazine

  47. Make a playlist

  48. FaceTime your friends

  49. Learn how to use Zoom

  50. Find décor for your room next semester

  51. Play card games/ board games

  52. Do a puzzle

  53. Invest yourself in a DIY project!!
