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Let Your Passion Pour Out

Domestic violence awareness is a cause that many women hold close to their heart. With one in three women experiencing this kind of violence, it is clear something needs to change. Alpha Chi Omega is hard at work in the fight to stop domestic violence, and many of the women go above and beyond to make a difference for this cause. Allison Wray is one of those people. She is currently a junior in Alpha Chi Omega with a passion for ending this kind of behavior. As a double major in psychology and women’s studies, she has devoted her life to helping people who are struggling with relationship and gender violence. She is currently on the executive board of RSVP, also known as the Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention group on campus. This group works with the UGA Health Center and speaks out on campus about rape, sexual assault, gender violence, and more. Every year this group holds “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes”, a walk where men raise awareness of sexual assault by walking a mile in women’s high-heeled shoes. This group on campus is vital in helping to prevent violence from happening on our campus. On top of this, Allison serves as an intern for Alpha Chi Omega’s local partner Project Safe. Project Safe is a place for people who have already been affected by relationship violence. As an intern, Allison is getting to work with the nonprofit and learn just how it works. She gets to work directly with the hotline that Project Safe provides, as well as work with safe houses and other crucial services. Allison Wray is someone that is going to make a difference in this world, and we are proud to say that she is a member of our Panhellenic community!

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