Alpha Chi Love’s Orientation Leaders
Alpha Chi would like to present one of UGA’s newest orientation leaders, Li Anne Harris! Li Anne is a junior, majoring in Public Relations and has a smile that lights up an entire room. It is no question as to why she was selected for such a prestigious position.

Having members as orientation leaders is no stranger to Alpha Chi Omega. Last year, Ashitha Rajeurs, also welcomed baby bulldawgs as an orientation leader for group number seven. Ashitha passed on the stellar sevens group to Li Anne.
Li Anne described her desire to be an orientation leader in one word— gratitude. She believes this is an excellent way to say thank you to the University of Georgia. “It’s a wonderful opportunity and platform to welcome first year students and their families into the UGA community,” says Li Anne, “By being rooted in my own gratitude for this place, I hope to inspire students to be thankful for their own experience they are about to embark on here.”
Alpha Chi Omega knows that Li Anne will most definitely inspire incoming students to enjoy and appreciate all that the University of Georgia has to offer. The incoming freshman that have the honor of Li Anne as their orientation leader can look forward to an orientation full of laughs and dad jokes. All of the UGA orientation leaders are great, but at Alpha Chi group seven holds a special place in their hearts.