Welcome To My Crib Wednesday: Alpha Phi

387 S. Milledge Avenue is the new home of Alpha Phi and we could not be more excited! Built in 1860, just before the Civil War, this beautiful mansion on Milledge has weathered many years in Athens. The architect who designed the home was Alfred L. Dearing, the same man who designed the Kappa Alpha Theta house, as well as a few others in the surrounding area. At one point in its’ history, our house was owened by Leon Charbonnier, a professor at UGA, founder of the civil egineering department at the university, and the designer of the Moore College building on campus (the white building at the end of Herty field). In 1909, John J. Wilkins, founder of Athens National Bank, purchased the home and added the 14 columns and wrap around porch. The Wilkins family owned the house for over 100 years, which is why it was formally called the Dearing-Wilkins House, until Alpha Phi purchased it in 2017. One of the most unique things about the new Alpha Phi house has nothing to do with the house at all, it is a statue of a large iron dog that sits on the front lawn, which appeared in the movie Gone With the Wind in the scene where Bonnie falls off her horse. We are beginning renovations on our home in just a couple weeks and will be officially moving into 378 in the Fall of 2019! We can’t wait to be neighbors with the rest of UGA Greek Life!