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Top 10 Recruitment Advice From Sorority Women

Just take the water

"Even if you don't think you'll need it, just take it. You never know if you're going to have a coughing fit. Plus it'll give you something to do with your hands if you're nervous."

Bring deodorant

"Deodorant. a lot of deodorant. more than you think you need bc you never have too much."

Just smile

"A smile is something simple you might forget! You're going to rock it!"

Wear comfy shoes

"Just don't wear heals. It will hurt."

Stay hydrated

"It is so important to drink water! Take advantage of the water at each house and during the rounds. Hydration = Healthy!"

Keep an open mind through

"Drop every expectation at the door and let your observations dominate your choices"

Call your "go-to-pal"

"Call your mom or your go to person. Even if you just tell them what you ate that day and nothing about recruitment."

Relax and have fun with it

"Don’t focus too much on the conversation with the girl you're talking to, just try to make a friend each round!"

"We want to know the real you, not the person you think we want you to be."

"Just relax because you will find your home."

Trust the process

"Also, always keep an open mind, you might come in with expectations of what house you want to be in but the process may surprise you and you might wind up somewhere you never imagined you would! it all works out for the best!"

"I truly ended up in the only sorority I can be my 100% self in. I love my sorority sisters and couldn’t ask for a better family. Trust the system!!"

"During recruitment, you will end up where you belong, no matter what. The process works."

Be yourself and Make the Process your own

"don't feel pressured to follow your friends or you siblings/parents when choosing, if something felt right it's usually because you clicked, and this whole experience should be for and about you and what you want"

"the only piece of advice I really have for those girls is to remember who you are. If you're 110% yourself, you'll find girls and a home that accepts and loves all of you."

"Look for the house that you would feel comfortable lounging around in your pjs in!"

"Try to focus on how you feel at a house during recruitment rather than trying make yourself fit in with a sorority"

"Be true to who you are! Don't change your interests or values because you will end up exactly where you are supposed to be."

"Just go with what you feel in your gut, because I promise you it's right and it's so worth it"

"Be who you are and don't act like someone you aren't"

“Stay true to yourself and remember that you are beautiful, valuable, and so worthy!”

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