Peek at a President
Jenn Williams, senior from Tallapoosa, Georgia, is on her ninth month in serving as the Alpha Gamma Delta Chapter President. In this period, Jenn has and continues to speak passionately on the authentic and loving sisterhood she has had the joy to lead.

Jenn is a Journalism and Geography major with intentions to pursue a graduate degree in Public Health upon the close of her final year at UGA. Campus involvement wise, Jenn has held the role of Franklin College of Arts and Sciences Senator, University Council member, and undergraduate researcher with the School of Public and International Affairs and the Division of Academic Enhancement. She previously served as Alpha Gam’s Vice President of Recruitment during the 2017-2018 year and is continuously searching for ways to make the chapter better. Jenn talks about “the art of keeping it real” as what she has learned throughout her experiences that allows her to succeed in the various other communities she is involved in.
With that, I’ll leave you with Jenn’s own parting words on her presidency.
“I have been immensely impacted by the members of our chapter. They've shaped my character and they've fostered my growth as a leader. I could never fully repay them for that. A big piece of my heart will forever live at 530 S. Milledge Avenue, but I look forward to serving Alpha Gam in the future as an alumna.”