Alpha Gamma Delta Spotlight
On Wednesday March 2nd, Alpha Gamma Delta will be hosting their second annual “Let’s Dia-Beat This!” spring philanthropy concert. The event will be held at Hedges on Broad from 8-10 p.m. with Jordan Rowe opening for country music singer Eric Dodd and his band. Rowe, who is a member of Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity and an up and coming country music singer, was the winner of our fall philanthropy event, Mr. Milledge, a fraternity pageant. Dodd is a UGA alum who relocated to Nashville, Tennessee in 2014 and made his CMA Country Music Festival debut last year.
The proceeds from the concert will benefit the Alpha Gamma Delta foundation, which provides grants that support members and other individuals living with diabetes, and raises awareness for the cause. Tickets are $5 from any Alpha Gam and $7 at the door. The sisters of Alpha Gam hope to see everyone there!
Megan Greene, Alpha Gamma Delta's philanthropy coordinator stated, “We are incredibly excited to host our second annual Let’s Dia-Beat This benefit concert! Jordan Rowe, winner of Mr. Milledge 2015, and Eric Dodd & his band can’t wait to put on a great show supporting the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation."