SDT New Members Were a LITTLE Excited to Get a BIG!
Big/Little Reveal is one of the most exciting days of joining a sorority! The new members find out who they will get to call big sister and who their family is going to be. This past week, Sigma Delta Tau had their annual Big/Little Reveal. The new members showed up to the house on Wednesday and Thursday to find their unique clue each day scattered around the chapter room. Every clue was personal to the little with her favorite candy, color, snack, and of course an obsessive amount of t-shirts. The new members faces glowed with excitement when they walking into the chapter room.

During the Reveal, the new members lined up and popped balloons with pictures of their families inside and ran out on to the front lawn to find their new bigs. Each family in SDT has a different Big/Little costume theme that runs down in their lineage. These costumes make Big/Little reveal so fun and creative. After the new members discover who their bigs are, the whole family gets together and takes the little out to a nice dinner around Athens. Overall, Sigma Delta Tau had a blast at the reveal and cannot wait to bond even more with the new member of their family!