Treva Takes the World

Treva Tam is currently a junior and has the honor of being a Foundation Fellow.
Her passion for travel has taken her many places including Istanbul, Turkey
where she interned and South Africa where she is studying abroad this semester.
Treva travels abroad quite a bit through the Foundation Fellowship Program at
UGA. While she is in Athens she has held the prestigious position of editor for
the Georgia Political Review magazine for two years and was on exec for
AIESEC, an international, non-for-profit organization run by students. She is also
an active member on judiciary at UGA and participates in the Asian Mentoring
Program. Alpha Gam is proud to call Treva a sister! While we miss her, we are
able to stalk her instagram daily and indulge in her exciting travels abroad! You
can follow her journey in South Africa on her instagram: trevstar88