More Than a Sisterhood

Being in a sorority is not only about finding life-long friendships. It’s about being a part of something bigger than yourself. Yes, the bonds that are made with one another are everlasting, but sororities prepare its members for life after college in countless ways. Kappa Alpha Theta sisters learn through leadership opportunities and community service, self-motivation and work ethic, encouraging girls to find their niche and pursue their passions. Says Karson Bankhead, senior Theta from Greensboro, North Carolina,
“I am confident that my four years at UGA would not be the same without the experiences and life-long friends Theta has given me. Because I have surrounded myself with girls who were motivated AND fun, I got the best of both worlds and balance between school work and social life. Theta has given me my home away from home and I wouldn't trade the friendships or memories for anything. Although I graduate in May, I know that all I have learned from being in Kappa Alpha Theta will carry through for years.”
Kappa Alpha Theta’s motto, “Leading Women,” guides every decision Thetas make, whether it’s leading other women, or looking up to other women to lead them.